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House Of Commons Approves Amended Ndp Motion

Canada's Parliament Passes Motion Calling for International Action on Israel-Hamas Conflict

House of Commons Approves Amended NDP Motion

Controversy Over Original Language

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada's parliament late Monday passed a non-binding motion calling on the international community to take action in response to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The motion, originally proposed by the New Democratic Party (NDP), underwent significant amendments following negotiations between the Liberals and the NDP.

The original motion had called for nine steps the federal government should take, including demanding an immediate ceasefire and the release of all political prisoners. However, the amended version passed on Monday no longer includes these specific demands.

The motion passed with the support of the Liberals, NDP, and Bloc Québécois. The Conservative Party opposed the motion, arguing that it was biased against Israel.

The passage of the motion comes as the conflict in Gaza continues to escalate. Israeli airstrikes have killed dozens of Palestinians, including women and children, while Hamas rockets have been fired into Israel.

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