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Anime Dab Png

Anime Dab: The Latest Trend in Anime and Manga

What is the Anime Dab?

The Anime Dab is a pose that originated in the anime and manga community. It is characterized by a character standing with their head tilted back and their arm raised in the air, with their fist clenched. The pose is often used to express excitement, confidence, or victory.

The Origins of the Anime Dab

The Anime Dab first appeared in the anime series "No Game No Life" in 2014. In the series, the character Sora uses the dab to express his excitement after winning a game. The pose quickly became popular among anime fans, and it soon spread to the manga community.

The Anime Dab has since become a popular trend in anime and manga. It is often used in fan art, cosplay, and even official merchandise. The pose has also been parodied in other forms of media, such as video games and webcomics.

The Meaning of the Anime Dab

The Anime Dab can have a variety of meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. It is often used to express excitement, confidence, or victory. However, it can also be used to express sarcasm, irony, or even disapproval.


